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Valeurs et éthos

«Apprendre en grandissant. Grandir à mesure que nous apprenons. Enraciné en Jésus. »


La Whitchurch Church of England Federation permet à la fois à la Whitchurch Church of England Infant & Nursery Academy et à la Whitchurch Church of England Junior Academy de travailler en partenariat pour développer des objectifs communs et des approches réfléchies de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage qui garantiront que tous nos enfants bénéficient de une éducation de qualité tout au long de la phase primaire. En tant que partenariat, nous visons à garantir des résultats positifs et des normes améliorées pour tous.


La Whitchurch Church of England Federation est fière d'être membre du St. Bart's Multi-Academy Trust, qui s'engage à améliorer les chances dans la vie de tous les enfants; académiquement, personnellement, socialement et spirituellement.


Les Académies reconnaissent leurs fondements et cherchent à développer leur caractère religieux conformément aux principes de l'Église d'Angleterre au niveau paroissial et diocésain.

Aims of the Federation: 

At The Whitchurch C.E. Federation, our view is that education is for life, and worship is at the very heart of nurturing this growth and supporting our vision for the federation. Our children are immersed in a our vision and values for living successful lives. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10 25:37 



Federation Mission Statement: 


To create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which all children will flourish. Every child is encouraged to care for, respect and appreciate the ultimate worth of others, developing positive relationships as they take their first steps towards becoming responsible, thoughtful and confident adults of the future, making successful contributions to their local and the global community. 



Christian Distinctiveness from Our Federation: Whitchurch Infant and Nursery Church of England Academy and Whitchurch Junior Church of England Academy 


Our aims and values are firmly based on Christian principles and in particular we wish to promote racial harmony and social cohesion in our local community. 


“Learning to Love God and Love our Neighbour as Ourselves.” 


We are proud to be federated Church of England academies at the heart of the community of Whitchurch. 


An inclusive family under God, welcoming everyone into our friendly, respectful and caring Federation. 

We aim to provide an aspirational curriculum and supportive working environment to enable every individual to reach their full potential. 


“Learning to Love God and Love our Neighbour as Ourselves” 


Luke 10: 25-37 


As Federated Church of England Academies, we believe it is important to develop Christian values by which to live well together and which help to develop a moral and spiritual awareness. 


Our core Christian value is Love. Across our Federation everyone is encouraged to love and respect themselves, others, God and his world. The Bible tells us that, 


“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 

(1 John 4:16). 



The value of ‘Love’ underpins everything we do in our Federation. We believe that through a focus on Love, by working together as part of a strong and supportive family, we can all achieve more ; 

“Love your neighbour as yourself.” 

(Luke 10:27) 

The Good Samaritan 



Helps us to foster a nurturing environment, supporting one another, promoting empathy and inclusivity. 

(Luke 5: 17-26) 

Jesus Heals A Paralytic Ma



Gives us the skills to face challenges, take risks and develop resilience and encourage personal growth. 

(1 Samuel 17 1-58) – David and Goliath 

(Daniel 6:1-28) – Daniel in the Lion’s Den 



Creates a positive, harmonious atmosphere, fosters empathy, friendship and a sense of belonging. 

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” 

(Luke 6: 27-31) 



Teaches us the importance of determination and hard work. Helps us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. 

The Journey of the Magi 

(Matthew 2: 1-12) 



Helps us to treat others with kindness and listen and consider everyone’s feelings. It is important we are all valued. 

Show proper respect to everyone. 

(1 Peter: 2-17) 


Christian Distinctiveness from St Bart’s Academy Trust 


St Bart’s Academy Trust have a passion for releasing potential in all our children and staff through the encouragement and development of ambition, aspiration and excellence in all aspects of our work. 


Our commitment is to place children at the centre of everything we do. Working in collaboration, we strive to provide the highest quality of educational experience and outcomes for our young people in an inclusive environment. Through the enjoyment of learning, we live life together in all its fullness through PEACE. 


We believe this vision empowers children with the skills to make a positive impact on the future of the communities they serve. 

For our Trust schools this means life in all its fullness is a life lived for God, serving others. 


Our vision is in line with the Church of England’s mission that our education is deeply Christian, with Jesus’ promise of ‘life in all its fullness’ at its heart. 


Our vision is for the common good of the whole community within each of our flourishing family of church schools through their own theologically rooted Christian vision they encompass the Trust vision.

Nous contacter

Whitchurch CE Infant and Nursery Academy


Whitchurch CE Junior Academy

Mrs S Camacho


T: 01948662255


© Copyright 2019 par la Whitchurch Church of England Federation.

Fièrement créé avec

Les académies Whitchurch CE Infant & Nursery et Whitchurch CE Junior sont gérées par St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust, une société caritative à responsabilité limitée par garantie et enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro d'entreprise 08735454.

Siège social: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP

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