At the Whitchurch Church of England Federation, the governors and staff fully recognise the contribution the academies make to safeguarding children. We recognise that the safety and protection of all pupils is of paramount importance and that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm.
We believe that our academies provide caring, positive, safe and stimulating environments which promote all pupils’ social, physical, emotional and moral development.
Whitchurch CE Infant and Nursery Academy
Mrs S Camacho is the Academy Safeguarding Lead.
If you have any concerns or worries about a child or if you feel you need any help in any way please pop in and see her, alternatively you can email or telephone the academy office to make an appointment.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Mrs S Sparkes and Mrs E Coxon. Ms A Baines is the lead safeguarding practitioners
Whitchurch Junior Academy
Ms S Walsh and Mr C Brislen are the Academy Safeguarding Leads.
Mme S. Walsh est la responsable de la sauvegarde de l'Académie
Si vous avez des inquiétudes ou des inquiétudes concernant un enfant ou si vous sentez que vous avez besoin d'aide de quelque manière que ce soit, veuillez la voir
ou téléphonez au 01948 662255 pour prendre rendez-vous.
Les responsables adjoints de la sauvegarde désignés sont Mme Ellie Cooke, M. Kris Wood, Mme Mandy Hughes, Mme Alison Baines.
Le gouverneur du lien de sauvegarde qui supervise ce travail est:
M. Robert Knight.